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The Best Perspective I’ve Found

Sunday, May 24. I believe that this is the best perspective as to what the real situation is right now:


I do believe that if you ignore this understanding of the economy and markets, that severe pain may come to you. I am of this particular opinion myself.

I arrived at it much the same way, when I charted the many different indexes, and saw that nearly all were in a very bad place.



4 thoughts on “The Best Perspective I’ve Found

  1. David Elledge says:

    Appreciate the perspective. I don’t see how the market can prosper under somewhat dire cicumstances.

  2. Well, of course, that was his point, but that there’s been so much liquidity made available, a bunch has sloshed into the market; and that economic fundamentals are not supportive of such stock price action. Harold

  3. Dale says:

    Best summary I’ve seen, just read Sean
    Williams from Motely Fool, on the same page… still have a question, days that stocks down and metals at same time down, usually you would see metals up, interesting ..

  4. Things are only more tense now… The 500 finally made its 200-day, and gold is sitting on its support line. Tension is mounting, and a major move is likely to go one way or the other. that’s how I see it anyway… Harold

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